Know Everything About Broken Teeth Repair

Even though teeth are the most challenging thing in your body, there can be causes that can still harm them. It can be scary to have a broken tooth. This condition can be excruciating and uncomfortable, making it hard to eat, talk, and be around other people. Your dentist has a few options for how to treat this problem. The tooth extraction of affected teeth is a solution. This choice has pros and cons, so make sure you know when it makes sense to do it and when it might be better to try something else.

Demerits of Broken Teeth

When a tooth breaks, it might hurt, or it might not. But the sharp line where the tooth broke could pull your tongue or cheek. If the break in your tooth is close to the nerve, you may feel a wide range of things, from mild sensitivity to cold and hot to almost unbearable toothaches. Because biting puts pressure on the tooth, you may feel more pain when you bite down. Going to the dentist as soon as possible is essential to keep the nerve from getting worse. If a break is small and fixed quickly, nerve damage may be minimal or nonexistent. Root canal treatment or extractions may be needed if the gap is big enough.

 How to Repair Broken Teeth?

  • Broken Tooth Extraction and Dental Implants

If the crack in the tooth goes below the gum line, the tooth can’t be saved and will have to be pulled out (removed).

When a crack is vertical, below the gum line, affects the roots, and has loose pieces, you usually have to get the tooth pulled. After removing the tooth, surgery puts a dental implant into the jawbone. After the area has healed, a crown, a bridge, or a denture is put in place.

  •  Dental Bonding or Filling

When only a small piece of enamel is missing, a dentist can use a dental filling as a broken teeth repair to fix the problem.

White composite resin or silver amalgam can fill a tooth (mercury mixed with silver, tin, zinc, and copper).

Fillings cover the hole and make the tooth work again. If a large piece of a tooth is missing, a dental inlay can fill in the space. Most of the time, this fix is more robust and lasts longer than a filling.

  • Reshaping

If the damage to the tooth is just a tiny chip, the dentist can fix it by reshaping the tooth or smoothing and polishing the damaged area.

  • Dental Veneers

Veneers may be the best solution if the chip is small and only affects how the tooth looks.

In cosmetic dentistry, dentists use dental veneers for broken tooth repair. A veneer is a thin layer of porcelain or composite resin that goes over a natural tooth and covers it completely. With a dental veneer, a broken front tooth can look like it is whole and healthy again. 

  • Dental crown and root canal

Your mouth may need a crown for broken tooth repair treatment if a tooth has a large crack that affects more than one cusp. A crown is a cap that fits over the rest of the broken tooth. 

If the chip exposes the pulp or dentin, bacteria in the mouth could get into the pulp and make it sick. If the pulp is damaged in a way that you can’t fix and is dying, you may need a root canal.


Fixing a broken tooth depends on how bad the break is and what caused it. But in any case, you should first call your nearby dentist’s office or go to an emergency dental clinic.

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