Traditional Braces Vs Invisalign: All You Need To Know About Them

When we look at precise aligner therapy (Invisalign®) and braces for what they are, which are tools to move teeth, it is easier to compare them. Teeth don’t know the difference between Invisalign® and braces. Still, there are biomechanical reasons orthodontists choose one over the other when working with patients.

Invisalign® is often the best way to treat periodontal (gum) tissue damage, open bites, and minor crowding because it is easier to keep clean and move teeth. Busy patients also benefit from shorter appointments and longer time between appointments. For a standard adjustment, you only need to see your orthodontist for about 15 minutes every two to three months.

Adult Braces are great for people who have intense bites, significant gaps between their teeth, or bites that need big root movements, like extractions. A typical adjustment for braces takes about 30 minutes and happens every 4–8 weeks. When you have braces, it’s harder to maintain your hygiene, so you should work with your orthodontist to ensure you’re brushing and flossing correctly.

When you look at how technology has changed and how much orthodontists have learned about precise aligner therapy, you can see that the Invisalign® product can be used to treat most cases effectively. The orthodontist recommends braces or Invisalign® based on which treatment will work best for each patient. For example, some tooth movements may take months with Invisalign® and years with braces, or vice versa.

Our orthodontists worry greatly about “burnout” when patients get tired of treatment and stop wearing their elastics or Invisalign® trays. This happens more often in people who have been getting treatment for 1.5–2.5 years, whether using braces or Invisalign®. When a person using Invisalign® “burns out” and stops wearing their trays, they stop treatment. But if a person with braces stops wearing the elastics for a few days, they can still get back on track with more minor changes. Because of this, orthodontists often suggest braces for more complex cases.

Compare Invisalign To Braces

Adults often choose Invisalign® because it is almost invisible and requires fewer visits and fewer emergency appointments. This is because adults often have damaged teeth and gums. Also, they are very determined to finish treatment, which makes them perfect candidates for the high level of compliance that Invisalign® needs.

Do Invisalign® or braces do a better job of moving teeth?

Invisalign vs. braces that aren’t clear. Overall, without consultation, it’s hard to say which one would be better for you. Everyone has different needs, so work with your orthodontist to figure out the best way to care for your teeth.

Our orthodontists in Thousand Oaks Dentistry, Sun Prairie will ensure the proper function of your oral health. With traditional braces, the orthodontist does most of the work, and you don’t have to think about the process much, if at all. So, Invisalign® trays make braces work better if the patient doesn’t wear them.

People like Invisalign® because the trays are almost invisible, making them feel more at ease. With Invisalign®, you can make many changes just as well or better than with braces. If you want a well-crafted Invisalign in Sun Prairie then do visit Thousand Oaks Dentistry for a pain-free experience.

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