What Parents Should Know About Children’s Dental Health

You want to guarantee that your child’s smile is healthy and long-lasting. You ensure that brushing and flossing are part of their regular daily practice, and you are persistent in providing healthy snacks rather than ones high in sugars and carbohydrates. But do you know everything there is to know about keeping your child’s teeth and gums healthy?

A pediatric dentist that specializes in children’s dentistry is here to reveal four facts about your child’s oral health that will help you care for their pearly whites in the future.

Cavities can be avoided

Yes, restricting sweets and ensuring your child washes their teeth are important strategies to prevent cavities, but you may also ask your child’s pediatric dentist about other ways to avoid these hazardous forms. It is possible to counteract the early indications of tooth decay with frequent fluoride treatments. This natural mineral aids in the fight against harmful bacteria that cause cavities, as well as the strengthening of tooth enamel.

It is possible to give cavities to your child

While it may be difficult to comprehend, a woman may carry harmful microbes onto her infant. Mutants Streptococci, the biggest cause of tooth decay, may be passed from caregiver to kid in many ways, according to research published in Pediatric Dentistry titled, “Association of Mutans Streptococci Between Caregivers and Their Children.” Mothers routinely kiss their newborns, exchange utensils, and frequently blow on hot food to cool it down. All of these factors can contribute to tooth cavities in the long run. As a result, all women who care for small infants must practice good dental hygiene.

Many dental injuries are caused by sports

If your child likes sports, make sure he or she wears a tailored mouthguard. A quick impact or fall, regardless of the activity, can result in chips, cracks, fractures, or even knocked-out teeth, necessitating a trip to the emergency dentist. You may better safeguard their teeth on the field, court, or track by having their pediatric dentist construct a tailored mouthguard should a hard-hitting tackle, spiking volleyball, or unintentional fall put their smiles in peril.

It is critical to look after your baby’s teeth

Your child’s baby teeth will fall out one day, but they must be kept in place until then. These fundamental structures serve as the basis and template for their adult teeth to come. They will erupt when the moment is perfect, allowing permanent ones to take their place. If your child’s baby teeth become decaying or damaged, it can harm their future smile and possibly create misalignment issues if they fall out too soon. Brushing and flossing regularly are essential for maintaining these primary teeth healthy and long-lasting.

Now that you know a little bit more about your child’s oral health, make sure you’re doing everything you can to protect their smile. Don’t be hesitant to talk to their pediatric dentist about additional strategies to maintain their teeth and gums healthy as they grow.

Contact Thousand Oaks Dentistry at (608) 237-1920 if you are looking for a Pediatric Dentist in Sun Prairie, WI.


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